Bingo Players is back with a brand new track that immediately lands on your “recently added / most played” lists. “No. 1 Disco” is a slice of funked-up feel-goodedness that sits just as well in your earbuds as it does on massive speakers at your post-‘Chella house rave. Desert dance or bust.

Outside of the studio, Bingo Players’ Maarten Hoogstraten recently wrapped up portions of the 10 Year Anniversary tour, which honors Hoogstraten’s late partner Paul Baümer who suddenly passed away from cancer in 2013. As such, proceeds from every tour ticket sold has benefited F–kCancer.

Last month, LVTR linked with BP’s Maarten down on South Beach during Miami Music Week and challenged the globetrotting producer to a no-holds barred tournament of booze pong. Catch the antics on LVTR: Destination Miami this Saturday, April 15 at 11pm ET.

And listen to “No. 1 Disco” below.