On Friday (April 7), Chance the Rapper announced the second edition of his Magnificent Coloring World event. Last year’s first installment—not to be confused with his former Magnificent Coloring World Tour or his Magnificent Coloring Day music festival—was a warehouse-turned-funhouse party that, according to Billboard, saw a “live choir, dancing…[a] sweets shop…coloring activities, candy, and plenty of games.”

For #MCW2, which went down Saturday (April 8), only fans who were identified by SoundCloud as being in “the top 0.001% of Chance’s listening fan base” were invited and, based on the tweets that surfaced afterward (as their phones were taken away during the private event), it could be airing on Netflix in the near future.

If so, it would quite literally be a dream come true for Chance who tweeted two days earlier that he hoped a Netflix representative would attend.

Excited fans may have given the surprise away though when they took to Twitter after and revealed Netflix cameramen were, indeed, at the event.

Tweets by Brolante