We could say that women run the world, but you know that already. For years, lady DJs have been bossing up on the 1s and 2s and evening the playing field with the big boys. But now they’re on a new level. Between dropping star-studded mixes featuring mega-pop stars like Chris Brown, staying in radio rotation and touring the globe, each woman stays relevant by offering a culturally diverse contribution to the music game. So of course they’ve landed on this year’s Female DJ of the Year list for the 2017 Global Spin Awards. Which of these worthy DJ queens is your #WCW?

Be sure to see which Female DJ of the Year nominee snatches the win during the 2017 Global Spin Awards on Thursday, February 23 at 10p EST on REVOLT.

For more information about the Global Spin Awards, head here and follow Global Spin 365 on Instagram and online.