RAINSFORD is a singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. Born in New York City and raised in Asheville NC, her sound embodies both stylistic pop and traditional soul. As a teen her father taught her to play guitar. That paired with her background in dance (the physical embodiment of sound) grew into a desire to pursue music.

Steeped in vibrant, thematic aesthetics, RAINSFORD plays indie-driven pop, coated with indulgent, sentimental vocals and a shiny synth veneer. Produced by Nick Dungo, “S.I.D.”(Sunshine In December) and “TOO CLOSE” symbolize a new beginning and showcases her inimitable vision and talent fully and without cliché. Represented by her love of film, fashion, and pop culture, RAINSFORD’s songs have a vintage feel of the 80’s and 90’s but are modernized with a pure adrenaline rush.

Get to know RAINSFORD in her own words:

My sound in five words or less: Emotions, woo shy, pleasure, soul, pop.

Best part of making this video: I loved getting to play with color and objects to represent my song in a new way. And bringing the furry monster to life (which represents a lot of old pain for me) was very fun.

What inspires your art: I’m inspired by so many things it’s hard to list them all. And for me inspiration often comes from unexpected places. But to name a few: my relationships, my family, my pets, other artists (musicians, dancers, painters, art in any form), the earth, death, feeling completely out of control, longing for connection and meaning in the world…

Explain the concept of the song in one sentence: “Too Close” is about almost having something I never wanted in the first place and starting to take my existence back for myself.

Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat?: Instagram

What goes down in my DM’s?: Constantly sending my friends memes and cute animal photos.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rainsford

Watch her video on REVOLT TV the week of January 16th , and let us know your thoughts by tweeting @RevoltTV and using the hashtag #SpotlightOnREVOLT