Zebra Katz first emerged during creator Ojay Morgan’s time at Eugene Lang College in New York City, but gained a healthy dose of exposure after fashion designer Rick Owens featured a Zebra Katz song during Paris Fashion Week in 2012. Since then, Zebra Katz has released a slew of projects, songs, and videos, often addressing important issues faced by the LGBTQ community in both subtle and delightfully unsubtle ways.

Equally as important, he incorporates his own very defined style seamlessly into music that takes listeners and viewers to a near future, where gay rappers don’t have to defend their sexuality to puzzled consumers, but rather embrace it and make it a pivotal factor in their image and overall effectiveness.

Katz’s brand of insanely danceable music manifests itself in the form of various methods of thrilling energy, LGBTQ lyrical empowerment, stunning visuals, colorful and fully conceived wardrobes, character exploration, and an old standard — club bangers.

Abstract and confident, Katz has referred to himself in the past as “the dark rapper, the dark villain, the dark lord of the fashion world.” However, there is a charisma and wisdom to Zebra Katz that makes him much harder to dislike than your typical villain.

“Hello Hi,” produced by the talented Kashaka, is a perfect example of how Zebra Katz operates. Its striking music video, featuring a clear artistic point of view, uses lighting contrast, compelling wardrobe, and speechless/fashionable models for him to bounce lyrics off of.

Get to know Zeba Katz in his own words:

My sound in five words or less: Underrated Underground Experimental Doom-laden Bass

Best part of making this video: Wearing an exclusive Rick Owens wardrobe and being able to film the video inside the home of Rick Owens and Michele Lamy in Paris would have to be the best part. Working with the stunning model Sonia Deville wasn’t so bad either.

What inspires your art? My art is inspired by a need to create (other) worlds and the Black Experience.

Explain the concept of the song in one sentence: This song and video are an ode to lust and longing.

What goes down in my DMs: Instagram is the app I use most frequently, and it’s most definitely going down in DM.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/zebrakatz

Watch his video on REVOLT TV the week of January 9th , and let us know your thoughts by tweeting @RevoltTV and using the hashtag #SpotlightOnREVOLT