A Berkeley-bred student of hip-hop and all-around eclectic artist, Caleborate has been renowned as one of the game’s most promising emcees. With lyrics that represent the unique struggles of the average twentysomething and stanzas about the day-to-day grind as a collegiate youth, he covers topics far and wide and is anything but shallow.

With his Hella Good album awarded the “Best Hip Hop Album of The Bay Area” in 2015 by SF Weekly, and having just released his acclaimed 1993 album, Caleborate is poised to sit cross-legged atop the hip-hop genre someday.

Get to know Caleborate in his own words:

My sound in five words or less: Hella. hella. eclectic.

Best part of making this video: Watching Mikos Da Gawd and Kuya have to keep up with me. (hahaha) We did this shot like at least 30 times before we even got it right. The three of us were tired as f-ck by the time we ended the shoot.

What inspires your art: Things I see in the world. My friends’ lives, my own. Sometimes other artists inspire me as well. Not just musicians but really it’s anybody that paints their picture well. Someone who illustrates what they are going through or what they are feeling so well that I totally understand them and feel them… that’s what inspires me the most.

Explain the concept of the song in one sentence: Playing 2k on Hall of Fame.

Instagram, Twitter, or Snapchat? Twitter because I can just say how I feel and I don’t have to look cool or anything. I can just say what is on my head at that particular time…

What goes down in my DMs: I talk to fans in my DMs, and no, not fans I’m tryna hook up with. Just fans or friends who wanna show me love.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/caleborate

Watch his video on REVOLT TV the week of November 14th, and let us know your thoughts by tweeting @RevoltTV and using the hashtag #SpotlightOnREVOLT