Kelela is tired. And she’d like a select group to have several seats.

Reeling from the recent fatal shootings of Terence Crutcher in Tulsa (unarmed with his hands up) and Keith Lamont Scott in North Carolina, the electro-R&B singer took to Instagram to school folks on white privilege and lack of action.

Read excerpts and the full statement below.

She gave advice: “White people: ask your close black friends how you can support them…ask them what they need.”

She made demands: “Read Tim Wise. Google ‘white privilege.’”

She rejected suggestions: “I don’t want to hear your opinion on what you think should be done.”

She denounced ignorance: “When you talk before listening, you undermine the racism and hatred that we’ve experienced for years that would inform the solutions we’ve already come up with.”

She championed accountability: “You gotta call yourself out, let others call you out and be willing to learn from the mistakes you will inevitably make, and then go to your white friends–not us–and talk about it.”

And encouraged taking responsibility and action: “Racism isn’t POC’s problem to solve…. If we want white supremacy to be over, white people would have to give up that power/privilege.”

Slow. Clap.