Just Blaze, the producer behind some of Jay Z, Kanye, T.I., Fabolous and Cam’ron’s biggest hits, took to Periscope yesterday (July 7) to live-stream his getting pulled over by police.

The first video, which begins after Blaze was initially stopped for reasons that seem to regard his license plate and/or registration, is filmed upward from his lap. He can be seen saying: “So they are having me pull my car over two blocks from where it was originally pulled over. They are currently in possession of all of my paperwork and everything.”

“First thing out of [the officer’s] mouth is, ‘Is [your] car legit?’ First question.”

Blaze then scans to the steering wheel of his Lamborghini Huracan.

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Citing the nation’s recent tragedies, Blaze continued: “I think ultimately it’ll be fine but given the environment we are living in right now, I obviously don’t like to take any chances. This could happen to anybody anywhere, as we all know.”

He then gives a brief retelling of their interaction, saying, “I corrected him, he told me I was wrong, then he looked and double-checked and I handed him my temporary registration, went back and forth a bunch and he said, ‘Yes, actually you’re right.’”

Eventually, the officer can be heard returning to the car, saying, “Here you go, partner. You’re all good, alright. Just do me a favor, get that front [license] plate. Have a good day.”

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In a second video, posted once Blaze is indoors, he recounts the story, saying, “I don’t believe that we should turn a blind eye to somebody doing something wrong just because they’re a person of color. But you know what’s going on with our people right now. Why not address me as a little more of a human being, instead of me being a suspect off the bat?”

Blaze’s story eventually made the rounds because he later tweeted that the police department contacted him: “Some folks put 2 and 2 together and That police dept got a call not long ago. They sent apology and offered to buy me dinner.”