Whether you are in music, fashion, entertainment or any realm of business, the stigmas of sexism and double standards aren’t far behind you. Regardless of how the coin falls. Known for her vivid imagination and fearless take on art within her music, Björk speaks on the median of contradictory she’s observed within music journalism and beyond. Currently in Australia to premiere her virtual reality digital DJ exhibition, the Icelandic singer-songwriter used the platform to address a few topics on her mind.

“The fact I’m a woman and I can do what I do, it’s kind of unique, really,” she explains. “I’ve been really lucky. But I have been hitting walls. What’s really macho, for example, is music journalism. It’s really like a boys’ club. They like music that is… well, a lot of it is for boys.”

She also went on to detail her dissatisfaction with gender inequality beyond the music scene as well. After her role in 2000’s Dancer In The Dark, Björk was dismayed by the divide in the world of acting between men and women in terms of career control and attitudes towards aging.

“I couldn’t believe what it’s like for actresses. It’s just a nightmare how they’re treated. They have so little say in their career or roles they play as they get older. Guys can get older, but not women.”

Well said Björk. For dates on her virtual exhibition, visit the official site for all the details.