And, here we are again.

You have to somewhat give it to Azealia Banks, she’s single-handily managed to go head-to-head, or tweet-for-tweet rather, with just about everyone in music, culture and now politics.

Earlier this week, the boisterous rapper reportedly published a series of tirade tweets about Sarah Palin, and lets just say it didn’t blow over to well. Banks seemed to be responding to a fake news story that quoted Palin as saying things like, “negroes loved being slaves.” Which didn’t take long for Banks to fire away.

“Let’s find the biggest burliest blackest negroes and let them run a train on her. Film it and put it on Worldstar,” Banks responded via Twitter, which has since been deleted.

Palin responded today with a post on Facebook, condemning Banks for her “bizarre, violent rants” and for the “anti-woman, pro-rape garbage that you seem to endorse.”

To much surprise, Banks apologized for the matter.

“Now since learning that the article was not published officially, I sincerely apologize for any emotional distress or repetitional scarring I may have caused you,” she wrote in an open letter on her website.

Yet Palin was not assuaged by the apology, writing in a statement to People: “I’ve had enough of the unanswered threats and attacks against my family and me. So, for the first time I’m going to enjoy the only retribution some protected ‘celebrities’ seem to understand — I’m suing Azealia Banks and can’t wait to share my winnings with others who have gone defenseless against lies and dangerous attacks far too long.”

Banks immediately fired back on Twitter writing, “If Sarah Palin actually decides to sue me I’ll only use the controversy to make myself an even larger American Cultural Figure.” And, “When you’re a public figure who courts attention, you can’t sue [people] for making jokes. Freedom of Speech girllllyyyyy.”

Oh, Azealia Banks….