LOS ANGELES, CA –SAHN-TEE-GOLD. Be sure to say it right.

Despite the title of her newest album 99¢, Santigold’s show fee was more than a pretty penny, yet stocked with an experience no other artist could counterfeit. From the cover of her shrink-wrapped tight clutter of lifestyle accessories to her live show, Santigold has threaded the needle between engaging with the mass of pop-culture and transforming her clever manicured visions to life. With her latest collection of playful songs, the We Buy Gold Tour is the chance to jump from the booming bass in your speakers, to a crowd filled with danceable energy.

Performing for a near sold-out venue, the electro-pop artist wasted no time blasting into one recognizable hit after another. Dressed in an over-sized blazer with white sneakers, positioned between two female dancers and her band mates appropriately donning 99¢ apparel, the singer/rapper paraded around the stage while inter-changing backdrop graphics scored the production.

Taking a moment to thank the audience, she asked, “How many of you just moved to LA in the last 5 years?” After nearly of the LA transplants screamed and applauded, she added, “Seems like all my family, management and creators are here….and I love it too! You got something going on here LA.”

Stripping down to her “we buy gold” one-piece, she then ripped into her fan-favorite record “Unstoppable,” as the venue over-powered her vocals with excitement. However, the real party didn’t start until she sung the lead track to her new LP “Banshee.” This is when it became more of a rock concert and less of a two-step pop performance.

Continuing to pass through tracks “Who Be Lovin Me,” “You’ll Find A Way,” “Shove It,” and her eastcoast anthem “Brooklyn We Go Hard,” Santigold connected with her fans through creative conversations and unstoppable determination to have every concert goer swaying to the pulse of electric chromatic beat. And just when you thought the performance was at an all time high, she went for an impromptu addition for the Los Angeles tour stop.

“I think I’m gonna do something I’ve never done before,” she hesitantly yelled. “I’m gonna play the bass for the first time on stage, and I want you all to cheer like I’m the best bass player ever!”

From her incredibly animated and polished dancers, visual props and obnoxious imagery, Santigold’s poignant pull of hip-pop is more infectious live and without a doubt meant to be matched with a dance party. The album speaks for itself, and the tour is an exaggerated version to her glossy groove.