Aside from waiting for a debut album from indie-soulstress Kelela, her latest project is a short film on the explorations of life, titled “Interlude.” Directed by Cieron Magat and created by Dazed & Confused, the film centers on the Los Angeles night-life and how the singer learns to surrender to life’s uncertainties. Flashing between scenes at the club, lonely car rides and memories of love in her phone, Kelela allows her vulnerability to lead the way.

Along with the release of the visual, Kelela talks to Dazed & Confused about owning creative rights to her music, how her emotional experiences are the foundation, and the perception of race issues.

“I understand that, if you’re brown in the United States, for the most robust reach you need a major label,” Kelela asserts. “Radio doesn’t know what the fuck you are unless you have lots of money. Period. You can’t get on the playlist unless you have a dollar. That’s it.”

Read the full interview here and watch “Interlude” below.