A prosecutor in Montgomery, PA announced this morning (December 30) that Bill Cosby will face charges of aggravated indecent assault, stemming a 2004 incident where a woman claims she was drugged by the star at his suburban Philadelphia home.

Cosby has been dogged by numerous allegations against him over the years that resurfaced in high-volume in 2015.

The 78-eight-year-old comedian is facing a felony charge and this comes after more than 40 women went public in a New York magazine article with claims the legendary entertainer drugged each and took advantage of them without consent.

Update: Cosby was arraigned in a Montgomery court and ordered to turn over his passport; he’s free on a $1 million bond. He’ll have to return to court at a later date and in the meantime was ordered to avoid contact with the alleged victim, Andrea Constand.