Whether she is making sure Donald Trump doesn’t play her music at his ralliesr or is working to bring awareness to humanitarian issues around the world, Rihanna has never shied away from utilizing her platform for socially conscious matters.

During the 2019 BET Awards Sunday night (June 23), the superstar singer and beauty entrepreneur balanced celebrating the likes of Mary J. Blige, who won this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award, with weighing in on the ongoing crisis happening at the U.S. border under the Trump administration.

“I think in any situation where it’s something devastating as what’s happening in America right now with the immigrants, you have to be as loud as you can,” she said in an interview with The Root, touching on the president’s immigration policy.

Trump recently threatened to take severe action in response to the record surge of families and unaccompanied minors currently at the southern border attempting to seek asylum in the United States, including raiding and possibly deporting those who are awaiting a court hearing to be legally allowed in the country.

“You have to raise as much awareness, and not just that, but just as a whole, as a nation, just put all your heads together and put your voices together and be as loud as possible, because that’s the only way politicians and the government actually listen, when they feel like their country is as concerned as the matter is concerning,” Rihanna continued.

In addition to sharing her thoughts regarding how to show support toward immigrants, Rihanna also sent a message specifically to Trump. Along with the launch of her new Fenty line, the singer released a t-shirt bearing the word “immigrant” on the front. She tweeted a photo and mentioned Trump, but the president has curiously not engaged with her at the time of this report.

Take a look at Rihanna showing her support for immigrants and her continued disdain for Trump below.