Before Donald Glover (Atlanta) and Lena Waithe (Master of None) made history at last night’s 2017 Emmy Awards, Chance the Rapper made a surprise cameo in host Stephen Colbert’s opening musical monologue. Tossing to the lyricist for the second verse, Lil Chano from 79th used the opportunity to take not-so-subliminal shots at some of today’s most-prevalent issues: oft-acquitted police officers, the transgender military ban, threats to small businesses, and the need for social protests.

Watch and read the lyrics below.

“Yo Stephen, what a beautiful segue

Let me take over, I can make us some headway

I love television, it’s a pleasant distraction

But just imagine takin’ action

I like ‘Brooklyn Nine Nine,’ in fact, I’m addicted

But where’s the cop show where one gets convicted?

I miss the classics, I still think ‘M*A*S*H’ rocks

But if Hawkeye can be a soldier, why not Laverne Cox?

‘Bob’s Burgers’ makes you smile, but please don’t ignore

The decline of the independent family-run store

I get it, them finales, they got you focused

Just record the show and try to show up at the protest”

Watch: Chance the Rapper disses major labels during tour stop