The FCC announced Tuesday (Nov. 21) that it is planning to deregulate the broadband industry and eliminate rules of net neutrality, meaning that the internet we all know and love will drastically change and come at a price, at that.

As reported, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is proposing to reverse the laws set in place during the Obama administration. The net neutrality laws currently enforce the principle that all internet providers must treat data on the web equally, allowing for users to access each website under an even playing field regardless of which content provider they choose to use. Without net neutrality, consumers won’t be able to access everything they want online without paying an extra charge.

Veteran rapper and activist Common has joined the masses in speaking up about the issue, as well as voicing his support of net neutrality.

Taking to social media, the rapper shared a Twitter moment of compiled threads explaining net neutrality for beginners.

“#NetNeutrality is vital to an open + equal internet!” he wrote, sharing the informative post.

Common joins the majority, with most internet users agreeing that net neutrality is a good thing.

In the weeks ahead, it’s likely that many other entertainers and musicians will be taking to social media to voice their opinion on the matter, factoring in how the FCC will be voting on the policy repeal on December 14th.

Take a look at Common’s tweet and learn more about the importance of net neutrality, below.