One day after Donald Trump’s inauguration, the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. will begin their walk, along with 300 simultaneous local protests across all 50 states, in an effort to protect the rights, safety, health, and families of women.

Celebrities including Zendaya and Katy Perry have already been confirmed to attend the March, but it has just been announced by the AP that Janelle Monáe and Maxwell will perform. And though Beyoncé won’t be on hand to do the same, she’s already expressed her support and encouragement of the event and its purpose. She took to Facebook to write:

“Together with Chime for Change, we raise our voices as mothers, as artists, and as activists. As #GlobalCitizens, we can make our voices heard and turn awareness into meaningful action and positive change. #WomensMarch.”

Together with Chime for Change, we raise our voices as mothers, as artists, and as activists. As #GlobalCitizens, we can…

Posted by Beyoncé on Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Monae shared her own thoughts in a statement:

“I am honored to join this critical movement to bring justice and equality to all. Music has always been a powerful tool for galvanizing unity and I believe that singing and standing together, our voices will be stronger than any force that tries to repress us.”

According to Pitchfork, Maxwell said:

“We are here because women are every bit as capable if not more able to pursue any goal they set forth for themselves. Were it not for the limitless depths of their love we would not be the men that we are.”

Questlove—who, earlier today, admitted he’d pay fellow entertainer Chrisette Michelle not to perform at Trump’s inauguration—will serve alongside Rakim and Grimes as a member of the March’s “artist table” in which they’ll support the event at the capital as well as the “sister marches” across the country.