With Father’s Day on the calendar today (June 19), it’s not only time to think of the father figure in your life but, also a day to celebrate the role and those that deserve the respect, or “respek” (word to Birdman). In music, these accounts have all been acknowledged, whether it’s Jay Z and Kanye West honoring their daughters, Stevie Wonder showing love to his newborn, or even Tupac Shakur flipping his dad the bird. Where fatherhood was once frowned upon in music (heard “Papa’z Song” or “Papa Don’t Preach”?), the role has since been celebrated more than ever. Here, we compile a few Father’s Day related cuts that put the “respek” back on their names.

Jay Z “Glory”

Beyoncé “Daddy”

Stevie Wonder “Isn’t She Lovely”

Will Smith “Just the Two of Us”

Sade “Babyfather”

Nas “Daughters”

Bonus: Birdman & Lil Wayne “Stuntin Like My Daddy”