A Texas trooper who arrested Sandra Bland on a traffic charge was indicted on perjury charge today (January 6). Bland was arrested over the summer in a controversial incident where a minor traffic incident and later found dead in jail cell, where it’s been debated if the 28-year-old hanged herself or not. Brian Encinia is facing a misdemeanor perjury charge that would carry a penalty of a $4,000 fine and one-year in prison if he’s found guilty.

According to a reports, Encinia filed an affidavit claiming he removed Bland from her vehicle for a safe traffic investigation, however, a grand jury “found that statement to be false.”

The exchange between the trooper and Bland later turned contentious and she was taken into police custody. Activists demonstrated after Bland was found dead. Last week, a grand jury declined to pursue charges against Encinia over Bland’s death.